Avon and Tributaries Angling Association is one of the oldest fishing clubs in the country.
It has extensive fishing rights on the Midford, Wellow and Cam Brooks as well as the Somerset Frome and Bristol Avon, all south of Bath. A whole range of fishing experiences are offered, including:
Catch and release sections on the Wellow Brook and Cam Brook which offer superb fly fishing for wild trout.
Fly fishing for trickle-stocked rainbow trout, thus ensuring that our members enjoy superb fly fishing throughout the season.
Winter grayling fishing on the Midford Brook.
Coarse fishing offering a variety of species throughout our exclusive waters, including barbel, roach, perch, dace, bream pike and carp as well as most indigenous British freshwater species.​
The Association works closely with the Environment Agency, Bristol Avon Rivers Trust, The Wild Trout Trust and other organisations to improve river habitats and encourage natural fishing breeding populations.
The Association is a not for profit company limited by guarantee and run by volunteers.
You must be a current member of the Association to obtain access to parts of this website.
If you would like to find out more about the ATAA please use the "Contact Us" facility.