Bat Rescue
I thought our members might like to see these pics!
I was fishing The Mye with Rob Jefferys and Tony Morris yesterday when I spotted something hanging from a tree on the deep bend, opposite the old cracked willow. Fortunately my landing net extends to 10ft and i just managed to reach and recover what turned out to be a pipistrelle bat. it had mistakenly tried to eat the fly hanging from a length of line, poor thing must have been hanging there most of the night and morning.
Although it was still alive I didn't think it would last, anyway we flattened the barb on which appeared to be a size 10 or 8 hook and removed it; it was protruding out of the side of its face. We then gave it a few drops of water and seconds later it started climbing all over me, so I put it on the the old willow and it climbed up into the ivy, hopefully it survived!
Dave Webster